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31 conference of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology


Du 2 juillet 2024 au 5 juillet 2024

Ville de Grenoble

The aim of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology is to promote interaction between philosophers and psychologists on issues of common concern. Psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, computer scientists and biologists are encouraged to report experimental, theoretical and clinical work that they judge to have philosophical significance; and philosophers are encouraged to engage with the fundamental issues addressed by and arising out of such work. In recent years ESPP sessions have covered such topics as theory of mind, attention, reference, problems of consciousness, introspection and self-report, emotion, perception, early numerical cognition, spatial concepts, infants’ understanding of intentionality, memory and time, motor imagery, counterfactuals, the semantics/pragmatics distinction, comparative cognition, minimalism in linguistic theory, reasoning, vagueness, mental causation, action and agency, thought without language, externalism, hypnosis, and the interpretation of neuropsychological results.



Organisateurs de la conférence :


Du 2 juillet 2024 au 5 juillet 2024


Complément lieu

- Auditorium de Grenoble INP (keynotes, symposiums invités, pauses-café du matin et déjeuners)
Parvis Louis Néel
Domaine Universitaire

- Bâtiment Grenoble INP - Phelma (sessions parallèles et pauses-café de l'après-midi)
Grenoble INP - Phelma
3 Parvis Louis Néel
Domaine Universitaire


To register for the conference, please go to Registration deadline: 17/06/2024.

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Publié le 29 mai 2024

Mis à jour le 25 juin 2024