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The Grenoble Institute of Philosophy – formerly EA 3699 “Philosophy, Practices and Languages (PPL)” – currently has 10 titular members from various departments of the Grenoble-Alpes University, 26 PhD students, and several post-doctoral fellows. It is a member of the ED 487 “Philosophy: history, representation, creation” Regional Doctoral School.
Its activities are organised into three lines.

Line 1. “Practices: Values, Standards, Institutions”

This component develops applied philosophy, dedicated to human actions which form the ethical, political and legal reality of the contemporary world. It explores its axiological, normative and social dimensions from the perspectives of philosophical ethics, moral philosophy, political philosophy and the philosophy of law.
Keywords: Applied philosophy, ethics (of gender, artificial intelligence, innovation, and the medical environment), moral philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of law, philosophy of action

Line 2. “The Mind and Cognition”

This component questions the nature of the mind, (or) of cognitive life, with a special emphasis on the questions of memory, intentionality and language skills. The work developed takes place within two major current theoretical frameworks: the naturalist approach specific to philosophy insofar as it is concerned with cognitive science, and the philosophy-type approach of ordinary language.
Keywords: philosophy of mind, cognitive sciences, philosophy of memory; intentionality; philosophy of language, pragmatics, naturalised semantics

Statutes of the laboratory

Submitted on February 6, 2024

Updated on July 25, 2024