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Thesis in progress

ABDOULAYE Mahamat-Saleh From CSR to the mission society: a study of the reconfiguration of the power to act of the company and its stakeholders. A capability approach Thierry Ménissier et Thomas Boccon-Gibod

Extended remembering: philosophy of memory and the extended mind hypothesis

Kourken Michaelian
BONIFAS Chloé The imaginary and the practice of performance: a professional perspective based on Hannah Arendt Thierry Ménissier
BOUMAZA Doudja The Function(s) of Episodic Memory Denis Perrin
Alexandre The Contribution of Philosophy of Technology to the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: A Study of the Concept of Responsibility Applied to the Technological Civilization and the Society of Innovation Thierry Ménissier

Rethink technical culture, democracy and general interest in the digital and AI context thanks to the concepts of "biological philosophy of technology" (normativity, environement, individuation and heteronomy)

Thierry Ménissier
CHAUVIERE Léa Development of oralising generative artificial intelligence in the medical field : building an ethical framework through value sensitive design Thierry Ménissier
Fabienne Martin Juchat  
CROZATIER Nicolas Kourken Michaelian
DE BEAUDRAP Brice Epistemological issues in the use of artificial intelligence in scientific research: what changes in trust? Thierry Ménissier
Pierre Reconstructing an epistemology of innovation to formalise an ethical methodology Thierry Ménissier
DURAN CARDENAS Claudia Refounding the ethics of humanitarian aid: Agency and vulnerability of beneficiaries. Olivier Razac
FAVIER-BARON Eugène Thierry Ménissier

Manufacturing reality : from the power of images to the power of screens

Olivier Razac
Philippe Saltel
GILLIARD Antoine Reality and objectity : Heidegger's phenomenological reading of Kant Inga Römer
HELLER Till The Same and the Other. Transformations of Phenomenology in Heidegger and Derrida Inga Römer
LEROY Rémi Transcendance and politics in Augustine and Al-Fārābī Michel Fattal
MARIETTE Maxime From Political Subjectivation to Reflective indocility. "La conférence gesticulée" or the Conditions of Possibility for Critique Olivier Razac

The relation between aesthetics and ethics according to the double notions of heteronomy and autonomy of art (Kant and Levinas)

Inga Römer
OSTOS RUIZ Elena The Phenomenology of Episodic Remembering Denis Perrin
RANDRIANANTOANDRO Sitraka The "daimôn" and the path towards the arete according to Plato and Xénophôn Michel Fattal
RICHARDSON Jay Episodic Memory as Recreative Imagination Denis Perrin
RIOU Laurent Classical pragmatism and neo-materialism: metaphysical and ethical possibility and fruitfulness of their convergence for an environmental philosophy Philippe Saltel

Political eros, democraty and corruption : a dialogue between the rousseauist project, the Constitution of 1791 and the contemporary situation?

Thierry Menissier
The problem of the self in phenomenology Inga Römer
WATIN AUGOUARD Jérôme The concept of "symbolique" in the phenomenological movement (Cassirer, Merleau-Ponty, Richir) Inga Römer

Submitted on February 7, 2024

Updated on October 15, 2024